Frequent Rider Discounts

It really does pay to ride transit!

10-Ride (90-Day) Ticket

10-Ride (90-Day) tickets are good for 10 discounted one-way trips, valid for a 90-day period. Please note that only the person named on the ticket will be allowed to travel on a Ten-Ride (90-Day) ticket.

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Monthly Ticket

A monthly ticket is good for unlimited discounted rides between stations named on the ticket or any station located between the two endpoints (stations) listed on the ticket and is valid during the calendar month for which it is issued.

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Commuter Benefit Programs

Pre-Tax Transit Benefits

The law allows workers to receive hundreds of dollars a month in pre-tax transit benefits.  Check with your HR department for more information.

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ccjpa Calender

How many days per month do you plan on riding Capitol Corridor?

  • 1-3
  • 4-10
  • 11-31

Start Saving!
Based on your ridership we recommend the following discounts: