CC Rail Mail – January 26, 2014

Philip Krayna CC Rail Mail & Newsletters, News Archive

Get On Board! A Message to Riders from the Managing Director of Capitol Corridor
Read the latest Get on Board! blog post from Capitol Corridor’s Managing Director, David Kutrosky, with highlights of 2013 and plans for the year ahead.

Track Work and Tie Replacement Project Extended through February 15
As some of you may know, Union Pacific Railroad crews are currently doing track work between Richmond and Martinez during the months of January and February. The work, which is taking place between 7pm and 4am, was originally scheduled to be completed on February 12; however, it will now be extended through February 15. This means that the temporary schedule currently in place to accommodate the work will extend through February 15 instead of February 12. Please see the related service advisory for more details about this work and the schedule modifications.

Business Plan Draft and Public Meetings Week of January 27
Capitol Corridor has updated its Business Plan for FY 2014-2016, and it can be found on our web site in draft form at We encourage passengers and the general public to provide input on this draft by emailing, via the website at, or by mailing them to CCJPA, 300 Lakeside Dr., 14th Floor East, Oakland, CA 94612. Comments are due by February 5. You can also attend one of our public workshops between January 27 and 30 in Oakland at the BART administrative offices and on board select trains. It’s your opportunity to have a say in the future plans of Capitol Corridor, and we invite you to participate at one of those meetings listed here.

Technical Issue with Ten-Ride Tickets Being Addressed
As we announced in the last CC Rail Mail, eTicketing for multi-ride tickets is now available, and so far passengers love it. We did, however, discover a technical issue that resulted in two rides, instead of one, being deducted from tickets on certain feeder bus routes, particularly on route 99 between Emeryville and San Francisco. We are currently addressing the issue and hope to have a solution in the next few weeks. Drivers of those buses have also been instructed to stop scanning ten-ride tickets on this and other affected routes; however, if your ticket was scanned on the bus resulting in the deduction of two rides, please call 1-800-USA-RAIL, remain on the line for a live agent, and ask to speak to Customer Relations. Amtrak will be able to restore the ride(s) that were errantly scanned.