
Click on a link below to sort Capitol Corridor projects by category


Agnew Siding Track Infrastructure Project


Located just south of the Santa Clara – Great America station, the Agnew Siding Track Infrastructure Project (Agnew Siding) proposes to add much needed capacity along the Coast Subdivision. Capitol Corridor is leading the project in partnership with Union Pacific and involves the construction of 2,900 feet of new track, two new #15 power turnouts, signal improvement, and other necessary site work
such as ballast, grading, excavation, and drainage. With additional track construction in this area, Agnew Siding will:

  • Reduce passenger and freight train delays impacting a complex
    network of systems
  • Strengthen passenger and train operator safety with reduced
    train-to-train conflicts
  • Attract increased ridership through improved service reliability
  • Store special train equipment for high volume sports and
    entertainment events

Alviso Wetland Railroad Adaptation Alternatives Study


Evaluates sea level rise adaptation options for railroad tracks between Newark and Santa Clara to improve resiliency of railroad infrastructure, enhance species and habitat restoration efforts, and ensure that such infrastructure can support future plans for increased passenger train service between Oakland and San Jose. The Study engaged a broad range of stakeholders between 2018 and 2020 and set up solid foundation for future adaptation efforts, which will require additional funding, technical analyses, and partnerships with various stakeholders. The final Study Report can be found here.




The Northern California megaregion, consisting of the 21 counties between Monterey, San Francisco, Sacramento and the northern San Joaquin Valley, is the 16th largest economy in the world. The Bay Area and much of the Sacramento and Central Valley regions increasingly operate as an interconnected megaregion, with commerce and commutes crossing county lines. The Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) have partnered to advance the New Transbay Rail Crossing program, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will create benefits for generations to come. Visit the Link21 website for more information.
Information Displays

Passenger Information System Replacement and Upgrade


Upgrades the current digital signs at stations that display train arrival times and service alerts.

Oakland San Jose

Sacramento to Roseville Third Track Project


Adds two round trips between the Sacramento and Roseville stations, with seven more round trips scheduled to be added in future years.

Please visit here for more information.

Integrated Travel

Safety and Security Improvements


Implements measures to reduce illegal public trespassing along the railroad right-of-way, in order to prevent pedestrian injuries and fatalities.

Integrated Travel

Signal Replacement and Upgrades


Replaces outdated signal systems in order to reduce train delays.

Oakland San Jose

South Bay Connect


Reroutes trains between Oakland and Newark to connect with a new intermodal station that links to the Dumbarton transit service. This reroute would decrease travel time between Oakland and Santa Clara by approximately 15 minutes and reduce traffic congestion by providing critical service to new markets along I-880, including Silicon Valley. View the South Bay Connect website.

Draft EIR now available. Review and provide comments now through July 15, 2024.

Oakland San Jose

State Route 84 Intermodal Bus Facility


The proposed Intermodal Bus Facility on State Route 84 (SR-84) would build on regional transit efforts around the existing Ardenwood Park-and-Ride to promote and encourage multi-modal travel and connectivity, including the proposed Ardenwood train station as part of South Bay Connect. The new highway in-line bus facility would add westbound and eastbound bus stop platforms on SR-84, allowing buses to stay on the highway instead of having to exit and make turns to stop at the current Ardenwood Park-and-Ride lot. From the bus platforms on SR-84, passengers would take an elevator or stairs down to a pedestrian pathway, which would lead to the future Ardenwood rail station and the adjacent Park-and-Ride lot.

This project is being proposed separately from the South Bay Connect project and the proposed rail station at Ardenwood. Visit the State Route 84 Intermodal Bus Facility website for more information.
Integrated Travel

Statewide Integrated Travel Program


Invests in statewide trip planning and fare integration among multiple agencies using modern software platforms to enhance connectivity, efficiency, and ridership across California.

Integrated Travel

Renewable Diesel


Capitol Corridor is committed to advancing California’s goal of zero-emissions by 2035, and has plans to achieve this by migrating fuels sources over to renewable diesel. In 2016, CCJPA began the exploration of alternative fuel options in collaboration with the California Air Resources Board (CARB). By 2017, the initial tests for renewable fuels began on the F-59 Tier II locomotives. Subsequently, testing on the Tier IV Charger locomotives commenced the following year. After 6,000 hours of testing across the fleet of Capitol Corridor locomotives, the test phase was completed in 2021. The next phase of the program includes an analysis on the locomotive engine parts, gathering data on fuel usage to project position emissions, and finally a submission to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With EPA certification in place, the Capitol Corridor will be positioned to run its fleet of equipment completely on renewable diesel. Check out our Behind the Scenes: Renewable Diesel video for additional details about the project.

Integrated Travel

Door Panel Replacement


The fleet of equipment supporting the Capitol Corridor service received regular and routine maintenance. From time-to-time certain components of the equipment pass their usefulness and require replacement. Such was the case with our door panels. As they were reaching end of life, their performance suffered with doors getting stuck or not aligning properly when in the closed position—ultimately translating into delays for riders. The CCJPA team lead the procurement for new door panels for all train cars, and the installation was completed in 2021. Check out our Behind the Scenes: Door Panel Replacement video for additional details about the project.